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C. diff Awareness and Holiday Eating

Writer's picture: Elizabeth LandryElizabeth Landry

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

Sponsored by and developed in part with support from Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

Hello Friends! One thing that I have learned in 2021 is the importance of your own health. When you have been hit by any debilitating injury or health condition, life can drastically change. I have spoken many times about the importance of gut health, probiotics, and your microbiome over the years. As someone whose own gut health has been compromised due to antibiotics usage as a young child, gut health and the gut microbiome has become such an intriguing topic for me and my own health. There is so much amazing information and content on gut health and how a healthy microbiome can affect not only your stomach, but even things like your immune health. Having a healthy microbiome and one in balance is vital to one's health. The gut microbiome consists of microscopic life forms, both good and bad, that are in the stomach and intestines and are crucial to maintaining health. So we all know what antibiotics are and what they do. They basically are taken to kill all of the bad bacteria when we get sick. But they also kill some of the good bacteria in our gut and can throw off our healthy microbiome balance. As we walk into the holiday season, so many people suffer with different gastrointestinal issues and that can make gathering at holiday events and parties or even eating out a burden. I hope to help educate my followers and friends on C. difficile infection.

What is a C. difficile infection? C. diff is short for the name of the germ that causes the infection: Clostridioides difficile. C. diff can affect anyone. The risk of getting it is higher for people who:

  • Are taking, or have recently taken, antibiotics

  • Have spent some time in a hospital or in a long-term care facility (a nursing home, for example)

  • Have a weakened immune system

  • Are 65 years of age or older

When C. diff germs take hold and multiply in the gut (intestines), they can wreak havoc. The most common symptoms are watery diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain or cramps, which can last for days. This infection can lead to serious medical conditions if not treated right away and can even be fatal. C. diff is very contagious and can become a serious health threat to others in the home and the community. If you or someone you know has C. diff, be sure to talk to your doctor about what you can eat during and after the infection. Now that we know what C. diff is, let's talk about options for holiday eating if you are affected by C. diff.

  1. Limit oil or greasy foods as it can further upset the stomach and cause diarrhea.

  2. Steam or boil vegetables until soft to help take out some of the fiber. (Do not eat raw).

  3. Drink plenty of water every day. At least 10 glasses per day but space out in smaller portions.

  4. C. diff sufferers may experience loss in potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. Adding bananas is a great form of potassium, broths or soft pretzels for added sodium, and almond milk for calcium will help add these minerals into your diet.

Foods to Eat:

  • Foods with good bacteria like greek yogurt or kimchi.

  • Semi-solid foods like saltine crackers, toast, and eggs.

  • Soluble fiber like oats, oranges, peeled apples.

  • Starchy foods that are easily digestible like white bread, mashed potatoes, crackers, and white rice.

  • Lean protein like turkey, chicken, and eggs.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Foods high in insoluble fiber like wheat, barley, brown rice, nuts, and seeds.

  • Dairy products high in lactose.

  • Fried or greasy foods

  • Raw cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.

  • Wheat products

  • Spicy foods

  • Drinks that contain caffeine like coffee or tea.

  • Prunes

  • Sugary foods

So if you or someone that you may have at your holiday table suffers from C. diff, here are some holiday meal ideas. Appetizers:

  • Pumpkin soup

  • Fruit salad

  • Chicken noodle soup

  • Deviled eggs


  • Baked chicken & turkey

  • Beans

  • Tofu

Side dishes:

  • Cornbread or rice

  • Cooked green beans

  • Baked potatoes

  • Cooked beets

  • Steamed vegetables


  • Banana Bread

  • Oatmeal cookies

  • Sherbert

  • Vegan pumpkin pie bites

Learn more about Cdiff here

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